Marianne and Irmeli
are enthusiastic LogoArt® therapists
Marianne has practiced art therapy already for more than 30 years and she has trained art therapists in Finland for over 25 years. LogoArt was born after Marianne became acquainted with logotherapy and noticed how its philosophy is similar to art therapy. Irmeli graduated as a LogoArt® therapist from Marianne´s program in 2006. Together, they have been training new LogoArt® therapists for about 15 years. Their experiences in practice and discussions together prompted the idea of writing this manual of LogoArt Therapy.
Marianne and Irmeli are Faculty Members of The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (Dallas, Texas, USA) https://www.viktorfranklinstitute.org/faculty/. They both are also accredited members of The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Wien. If you have any questions about LogoArt®, please don´t hesitate to contact us with this form.

Marianne da Silva Prado has developed LogoArt
Marianne da Silva Prado (1959-) is a Brazilian-Finnish art therapist, who developed LogoArt® therapy by combining Viktor Frankl's logotherapy and Margarethe Hauschka's artistic therapy.
In 1982, da Silva Prado received her degree in Industrial Design from the School of Arts at FAAP University (Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado) in São Paulo, Brazil. In 1992, she graduated as an art therapist from Centro Paulus de Estudos Goetheanisticos in São Paulo. She completed an Associate in Logotherapy and Diplomate in Logotherapy programs in 1999 and is certified as a logotherapy teacher by the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (Dallas, U.S.A.). Da Silva Prado is an accredited member of the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna.
In Finland, Da Silva Prado has trained art therapists since 1993 and LogoArt® therapists since 2004. In her home country of Brazil, she has a private art therapy practice and has worked with the developmentally disabled for several years. For over twenty years, da Silva Prado has been maintaining and caring for her ranch, Espaço Kalevala, in Gonçalves, Brazil, in the highlands of Minas Gerais.
Da Silva Prado's mother is Irmeli Ivalo-Sjölie, whose family is deeply rooted in Finnish soil. One of Ivalo-Sjölie's grandfathers was Emil Wikström, a well-known Finnish sculptor, and the other grandfather was Santeri Ivalo, the founder of the prominent Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. Ivalo-Sjölie's mother, Mielikki Ivalo was among the first to bring yoga to Finland. Irmeli Ivalo-Sjölie was a chemist, who contributed to bringing homeopathy and logotherapy to Finland. She started the Finnish logotherapy training program under the Dallas Division of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy.
Irmeli Lehtioksa is the author
Irmeli Lehtioksa is a LogoArt® therapist, LogoArt® therapy educator, and homeopath. She finished the Associate of Logotherapy training in 2005 and graduated as a LogoArt® therapist in 2006. She completed the Diplomate of Logotherapy with Specialization in Art Therapy in 2013, which qualified her as an educator certified by VFIL (Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Dallas, U.S.A.). Lehtioksa is an accredited member of the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna.

Since 2010, Lehtioksa has worked as a LogoArt® therapist at her private practice in the Lahti area and as a teacher in different institutes. In addition to years of experience in client work, she has also led LogoArt® groups for individuals with special needs. Self-employed since 1983, Lehtioksa has worked as a homeopath since 1993.
In the past, Lehtioksa was involved in equestrian sports. She is remembered as the horse trainer of the legendary Charme Asserdal (1977-1979). Up until the 1990s, she participated in equestrian sports as an individual trainer in various horse stables and as a professional trainer in her own equestrian business.
Lehtioksa and da Silva Prado have worked together for years. This book is the product of their collaboration, which Lehtioksa has transformed into written words and presented between these covers.
For additional information about LogoArt® courses and training programs, please send an email to irmeli.lehtioksa@gmail.com